• Commentary,  Finance,  Inflation,  Macroeconomics

    Getting Ready for GFC 2.0

    One consequence of the unprecedented tightening of monetary policy imposed by central banks in most countries (including Canada) over the past year has been growing fragility in the broader financial system. Banks, near-banks, and other financial players – many of them highly leveraged after 15 years of near-zero interest rates – are now grappling with the impacts of higher interest rates on their investments and balance sheets.

  • Commentary,  Inflation,  Macroeconomics,  Wages

    We Need More Goods, not Less Money

    In this commentary article, originally published in the Toronto Star, Jim Stanford challenges the adage that inflation results from ‘too much money’ in the economy. In fact, the current inflation – sparked by the repercussions from lockdowns and other supply disruptions during the pandemic – clearly indicates the problem is too few goods. That requires a very different approach to managing rising prices.